Friday, January 21, 2011

Key West Coool

Well I know it's a long time between blogs but bear in mind that computers are my enemy and living on board doesn't always make it easy to get to one of those transmiting thingies etc. Enough of that. We went down the inside from Miami and it sure was shallow,depth sounder reading 0.1 many times but in 2 days we got to Matecumbe Bay and then went out to the Hawk Channel and had yet another delightful sail to Marathon,which is about half way down the Keys. Here we celebrated Perry's birthday at a Chinese restaurant (and half the night at a bar).I think we barely made it to bed before midnight!!!!!Marathon ,or Boot Key Harbour to be precise is is a very calm place to stay ,with all the facilities you could want.....But.... there ain't much goin' on so after a bit of project catch ups etc we had another delightful sail down the Hawk to Key West.This town is something else.More old hippies and old salts (and beautiful young people ,but we don't count them)than you can poke a stick at.Lots of artists,musicians,chickens,buskers,bars,beautiful architecture and most of the time the weathers been warm.Got another cold front coming though.Thanks Canada eh! If there were protected anchorages ,closer than 3/4 mile from town,this would be paradise.

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