Introducing Jim Jordan, resort owner , charter pilot and man about town.
We hitched a ride down to Governors Harbour Airport with Gail up front with driver Bob , who is an expat vet (had neutered 80 dogs and cats for free last week!)and me out the back of the ute/pick up with Lucky the dog.
At the airport Jim was finishing off his pre flight checks.
In a couple of minutes we were flying past Hatchet Bay and Alice Town.
Alice Town on the right , Jabiru one of the white dots top right in the bay and the cut that was blown out of the cliff (in 1929 apparently) about 1/3 of the way across from the left.Atlantic over the back.
That's why you have to be very careful sailing round the Bahamas.
Baha Mar espanol for Shallow Sea. They lost a lot of "treasure ships" here.
Approaching Nassau
Turning towards the runway.
Lots of "pristine" type cruisers don't like Nassau but we love it
Back to the airport and it had got busy. Had to get in a queue to get to the runway and the storm clouds were building..............oooohh!
As usual I got all excited and recorded the take off and flight back on video which I haven't figured out how to edit and upload yet. Jim flew us up to Current Cut in the north of Eleuthera and took us for an unbelievable flight down to Gov. Harbour. Flying really low along the cliffs (felt like you could touch them ) and then buzzed Hatchet Bay and Jabiru then crossed over to the Atlantic (east) side and did the same thing ,passing Bills house and Jims resort then in to land.
Extra cool....thanks Jim.
The only still I got of the return flight (accidentally) was of Lenny Kravitz's house and beach.
Right under the wing there.